Our vision is to work with you on your journey through life and help you open the doors of financial opportunity in order to achieve your goals.

Meet the Team

Benjamin M. Howarth, CASL®, RICP®

Financial Advisor
Financial Services Executive
Investment Advisor Representative
Special Care Planner

Joshua Howarth, RICP®

Financial Planner
Financial Services Representative
Investment Advisor Representative

Jennifer Stomsky

Marketing Coordinator

Austin Coristine, WMCP®

Financial Planner
Investment Advisor Representative

Kimberly Donall

Practice Manager

Corey Gavin

Operations Associate

Tristan Heng

Operations Associate

Domenic D’Errico

Operations Associate

Timothy Lynch, CFP®, RICP®

Financial Planner
Investment Advisor Representative

Paul Provost

Financial Planner

Stephanie Yang

Personal Assistant

Cassidie Arena

Personal Assistant

Michele Lombardo

Personal Assistant

Wealth Management Team

Kate Cassidy, J.D. *

Vice President, Advanced Markets

Natalie DeMeis

Vice President, Business Development

John Foreman

John Foreman, MBA, CIMA®

Jeremy Hus, MSFS, CFP®, ChFC®, CASL®, CLU®, CCPS®

Vice President, Financial Planning

Allison Mislow

PlanSmart Executive

Eric Nadeau

New Business Analyst

Tammy Michaels

Property & Casualty Specialist

Matthew Teel, CFP®, CLU®

Vice President, Risk Management

Beverly Wright

Vice President, Worksite Benefits

Gregory Wachter

Vice President, Risk Management

Niko Vamvakas

Vice President, Retirement Planning Solutions

Kourtney Zando

Product Solutions Manager

*Licensed but not practicing

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